Offline & online, Skoltech campus
February–May, 2024
Sber Risks in Skoltech
about the events
Skoltech Career Center are arranging a series of meetings with Sber Risks. You will see the application of modern AI technologies in risk management processes used by technical and research teams. What is more, you will learn about career opportunities.
February-May 2024
Offline & online
English & Russian
Skoltech campus
sber risks
The regulator requires banks to have a risk management function. While risk managers are often seen as a distinct "controlling" unit, risk managers in Sber are an integral part of a large team. They interact with every department of the bank, implement various projects, make decisions and take responsibility for Sber’s business results.

The team consists of risk takers, modelers, data analysts, testers, validators, contractors, as well as risk managers responsible for the independent evaluation and monitoring of loan applications.
who can attend
Skoltech students and graduates from Data Science and Advanced Computational Science programs as well as everyone interested in AI development, risk management and keen to work in Sber.

February 19
6-7:30 p.m.
Skoltech campus, R2-2018

Event's language:
February 19
6-7:30 p.m.
Skoltech campus, R2-2018

Event's language:
Risk Management in Sber. How to build a career in Sber.
Dzhangir Dzhangirov
Senior Vice President, Sber Chief Risk Officer.
What you will learn:
➔ The nature of a risk: uncertainty and consequences
➔ Risk management as a balance of three factors
➔ Real-life examples
➔ The cycle of risk management in the organization
➔ Risk management in decision-making and Sber risk map
➔ Career in Sber: how to build a career in Sber
March 27
10:30 a.m.-12:00 noon

Event's language:
Model risk: how to build business on trust with AI
Evgeny Sokolovsky
Head of the Model Risk Center of the Banking and Trading Book
April 2
6:30-8 p.m.
Skoltech campus

Event's language:
Risk modeling in the bank
Gennady Piftankin
Managing Director for Data Research of the Center for Enterprise Risk Management Modeling
Event's language:
Improving the efficiency of data-driven people
Denis Mikhailov
Department Manager of Risk Technology Development at CIB
Event's language:
Data lake and how not to drown in it
Boris Panin
Head of Risk-Data Platform Development Department

Viktor Davydov
CDO of Risk Department

Dmitry Nagornov
Managing Director of Risk-Data Platform Development Department
Event's language:
Graph models in antifraud of credit risks of individuals
Svetlana Reznikova
Managing Director of Retail Risk Division

Alexey Sorokin
Managing Director of Retail Risk Division

Senior Vice President, Sber Chief Risk Officer
Gennady Piftankin
Managing Director for Data Research of the Center for Enterprise Risk Management Modeling
Evgeny Sokolovsky
Head of the Model Risk Center of the Banking and Trading Book
Denis Mikhailov
Department Manager of Risk Technology Development at CIB
Boris Panin
Head of Risk-Data Platform Development Department
Viktor Davydov
CDO of Risk Department
Dmitry Nagornov
Managing Director of Risk-Data Platform Development Department
Svetlana Reznikova
Managing Director of Retail Risk Division
Alexey Sorokin
Managing Director of Retail Risk Division

information about Sber internships can be found here

Paid internships
contacts for any questions

Skoltech Career Center
Telegram channel

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)
30 Bolshoy Boulevard, Building 1
Skolkovo Innovation Center Territory